“I’ll pour pure water over you and scrub you clean. I’ll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you."

Ezekiel 36:25 (The Message//Remix)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

...I find Peace again!

So as much as I have tried to disguise it, I have been a mess the past two weeks. Peace was not something that I could get a hold of! Well, after a week of my best friend literally having no communication with me I got a hold of myself and faced the nature of the beast... that beast being miscommunication. After a long talk everything is great again, so much has to be done but I can't wait to see what is ahead.

Also, with the whole moving thing I had two dates in my head. Aug 2nd and July 20th. I have been trying to decide which day and really praying about(as I watched my world in Niceville fall apart). Much to my disgust, I got my answer... August 2nd! Ugh, yesterday I hated the idea of it but now I am interested see what is in store for me cause I feel like another piece of me/my future is about to be revealed.

Sunday in service the main line of the sermon was "What you do in times of desperation will determine your destination." At the time I was focused on a friend and helping her in her time of desperation, but what I didn't realize was that I am in one right now. But I am on the other side of it. I am not alone in the cave of Adullam! I have gotten past that part and now God has led others who are hurting to me and I am developing my army! kinda lol. Well, that is what happened to David but you get what I mean.

Anyways I just felt like posting cause I haven't in a while.

I found peace again. The perfect ending to the worst week! Thank God!

christina nicole

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